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Technology & Methodology Committee


Mr. Hisanao Sugamata


TMC will handle the issues of interoperability, productivity (reusability, openness), using Technology and Methodology in e-Business / e-Trade. The scope of work subject may include as follows: - Reference framework (Technology, Methodology and Library) for eB usiness. - Modeling Methodologies - Core Component Harmonization (may include Metadata) - Context methodology (may include Ontology) - Message Assembly - XML Schema Design - Messaging Service Protocol - SOA - Registry and Repository - Securities.


Reference Framework for eBusiness

Develop a comprehensive reference framework encompassing Technology, Methodology, and Library for eBusiness.

Modeling Methodologies

Implement effective modeling methodologies to streamline e-Business processes and openness . proposed work programmes and plans comply with the stipulated Terms of Reference.

Core Component Harmonization

Core Component

Context Methodology and Message Assembly

Employ context methodologies, which may involve Ontology, and proficiently handling message assembly to optimize communication and data sharing in the e-Business ecosystem.


Process, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration


About TMC

Chairman:Mr. Hisanao Sugamata

Membership and Structure:

TMC is an executive committee under AFACT. TMC may have several working groups, such as Core Component Working Group, Interoperability Promotion Group, Security Group. Members of TMC consist of the person who is representing the member of AFACT. Participants of TMC are open to any organizations who are interested in e-Business implementation in the Asia Pacific region.

Voting Procedure

There are 2 types of voting in TMC, the member voting and the participant voting. The member voting shall be taken for the following cases:

 Election of TMC Chairperson

 Amendment of TMC ToR

Creation or Disbandment of WG


The participant voting may be taken for the other cases of the member voting, such as technical matters, working programs.


The objective within TMC is to achieve a consistent consensus in all matters. In case of doubt concerning consensus, then, and only then, shall a vote be taken in an official TMC meeting. Any participants who feel that a consensus has not been reached may call for a vote, while the chairperson declares consensus. These ballots require a simple majority of the members (the case of the member voting) or the participants (the case of participants  oting) attended at the official meeting at the time of the vote. Any voting can be taken when at least 3 members are present at the meeting. The use of proxies shall not be permitted. The chairperson is not eligible to vote.

Frequency of the Meeting


The meetings shall be held under the coordination of AFACT. Therefore the meeting may be held with AFACT plenary meeting and AFACT midterm steering committee meeting. The chairperson can call for the interim meetings between AFACT meetings. The chairperson can organize the teleconference instead of the face to face meeting.



TMC Project


1.CCL Utilization in Asia


-  UN/CEFACT CCL is getting too big for covering many domains. It is getting difficult to find the suitable CCs/BIEs in CCL for message designers, and there are concerns about the computer performance using the big XML Scheme modules always.

-  There are several data model libraries other than UN/CEFACT CCL, such as GS1, OAGI, WCO, UBL and local implementations in Asian region. Many of them are developed using CCTS, but there are no interoperability.

-  UN/CEFACT Standard Message has a lot of BIEs in order to cover various domains. But user needs a small part of BIEs for daily EDI, but he has to implement all the parts of the Standard Message.



To establish the methodology for utilizing CCL in the efficient manner, and to promote the methodology implementation in the Asian region.


Work items:

-  Analyze the actual problems around CCL.

-  Prepare the framework for utilizing CCL.

-  Define the packaged CCL for Asian Region.

-  POC for utilizing CCL.

-  Prepare the guidelines for utilizing CCL.



-  CCL Framework (based on CCTS V3 and NDR V3)

-  Pilot packaged CCL for Asian Region

-  Guidelines for utilizing CCL

2. Electronic Negotiation use case

Recognizing the negotiation process is entering a digital transformation (DX) where both buyer and seller have developed electronic systems, UN/CEFACT launched the project “eNegotiation”. The eNegotiation project is trying to define the automatic negotiation protocol using EDI based on the UN/CEFACT standard. The purpose of this electronic negotiation use case project in TMC is to introduce AFACT members the electronic negotiation protocol and to develop the guidelines for several business domains in Asia.